Lacks Heading


kalang naming-word. deceased, deceased one, late, late one.
karrpan naming-word. narrow, narrow one.
karrwa naming-word. a crackle.
karrwamanya naming-word. crackly, crackly one.
katharay 1. naming-word. undeterred, undeterred one.
2. naming-word. respect for punishment, one who respects punishment.
kati naming-word. bitter, bitter one.
kayampaarr naming-word. speedy, speedy one, fast, fast one.
kirraparay naming-word. red, red one.
kirrpang naming-word. party of people.
kiruu ALSO: kirruu. naming-word. warm, warm one.
kuthal naming-word. fat, fat one.
malu naming-word. silent, silent one.
manytyaakata naming-word. bunched up.
marayipiya naming-word. old, old one.
minyaminyagaa naming-word. rubbish, rubbish one, rubbishy, rubbishy one.
mirri naming-word. dog (domestic). Mirrityii pipuwawanhi murruka My dog ran along ahead. Mirri tharrki yananhi purraytyi. The dog stepped over the child. Canis familiaris.
mirrka naming-word. cave.
mityaangkaanhthu ALSO: mityaangkaay. ALSO: mityaanka. naming-word. redbreast (bird), scarlet robin. Usage: This is the Trida mob word. The Keewong mob word is mityaanka.
mukamukam naming-word. half-asleep, half-asleep one.
mukapankay naming-word. skinny, skinny one.
munil naming-word. hole, narrow hole, crack.
muun naming-word. alive.
ngalan naming-word. flame, light.
ngampurr naming-word. whirlywind.
ngankarri naming-word. alert, alert one.
ngap naming-word. a sudden silence, phut.
ngarrpu describing-word. enough.
ngiyangkaraa naming-word. story, speech, language.
pikarri naming-word. strength.
pilangaal naming-word. next, next one. Kapataa pilangaala ngini ngityalaka. It will rain here next month.
pula ngunpay naming-word. four.
pulakarr naming-word. two, a pair, twice. Pulakarrathuna ngaanhi. I saw him twice.
punku describing-word. many.
purriman naming-word. tame, tame one.
putyirriwaani ALSO: putyirriwan. naming-word. pretty, pretty one, fine, fine (one), good, good (one), the best one.
thaarrmay naming-word. clever (one).
thakarr naming-word. ice, frost, cold weather.
thakun naming-word. earth, dirt, sand, ground.
thakurrma naming-word. cemetery.
thalathalarrpi naming-word. shiny, shiny one.
tharraang naming-word. drunk, drunk one.
tharrampal naming-word. 1. Milky Way.
2. path at ceremonial ground.
3. personal 'beat' or accustomed travelling range.
tharramulan naming-word. yam. See: pupunhaam
tharriyal naming-word. summer, warm weather.
tharrmaay ALSO: tharramay. naming-word. clever, clever one, expert. 'Tharrmaay' refers to either a person or a piece of work.
thuni kurunhapa naming-word. West, where the sun sets. Literally: where the sun goes in.
thuni patharapa naming-word. East, where the sun rises. Literally: where the sun comes out.
thupiyi naming-word. note of a robbin redbreast.
thurrpi namiing-word. steep, steep one.
walinytya naming-word. lonely, lonely one.
wama ALSO: wamam. ALSO: wamang. naming-word. wrong, wrong one.
warrikal naming-word. wild, wild one. Warrikal yarraamanlukal mawirri pantiyi. They tamed wild horses into harness (lit. 'They tied wild horses into string.')
warriyarr naming-word. warrior bush, wild currant. Warriyarr was burnt to ward off rain.
warrukay naming-word. butt of tree.
wirrii naming-word. open, open country. Ngathu wirriika yananhi. I travelled over open country.
yarur naming-word. slow, slow one, steady, steady one.
yilkirr naming-word. a rustle, a rustling sound.
yuwi naming-word. name.