kampirranaming-word.yesterday, tomorrow.Kampirra refers to the day either side of the reference time (i.e., the day you are speaking about)Source: Ngiyampaa Wordworld, 2nd edition, example D 1980 76: Macquarie.
kapataanaming-word.moon, month.⚫ Kapataa pilangaala ngini ngityalaka.It will rain here next month.Source: Ngiyampaa Wordworld, 2nd edition, example D 4-22.Source: 4-10, Macquarie.
kuwayudescribing-word.for a long time.Source: 9-69 : Macquarie.
marrathalnaming-word.a long time ago.Source: 9-117 : Macquarie.
marrathalpunaming-word.the begining of time, as far back in time as possible.
thalanpudetermining-word.now.At the reference time.
yaanhthudetermining-word.at this time, at that time.